Friday, December 4, 2009
More Fall Faves
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Favorite Fall Plant
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Beautiful Fall
We also have moved our business back into our home this fall. We are very excited about the future of Olive Branch and reorganizing the business in order to better serve our clients and be able to focus on designs and projects without the distraction of the retail side of our business. We are still available to special order outdoor furniture, sculptures and pottery for anyone interested. We really enjoyed having our studio in Rockbrook Village and will miss the community there, but my wife and I are looking forward to the opportunity to work from home.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Staircases in the Garden

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall Renovation Project

Today we installed a small ornamental grass and perennial garden at my parent's house. We ripped out several overgrown evergreens, various overgrown shrubs and shrub roses. Unfortunately, I didn't get before photos, but you can see one overgrown evergreen in the third photo from the top. (Ripping that out tomorrow). The large grasses will eventually grow rather tall and add some interest through the winter. We also had the challenge of hiding leftover stumps. The grasses and perennials that we chose should do a really good job of that. The yarrow will thrive and add a nice swath of color. We also chose a trial geranium, in the final photo, that has been tested to be hardy to zone 6 (we're zone 4/5) so we'll see what happens with that. I guess since it's my parent's house, I can get away with being experimental! Hopefully, we will luck out and they will do really well.
There are still some finishing touches to be done with this project. We will, of course, rip out the evergreen shrub at the corner and attempt to save the greens for my wife's holiday decorating. Then we will extend the yarrow around the corner and possibly add a unique, small evergreen which I have yet to choose. Any suggestions? We will also add some bulbs for spring color, a fresh layer of mulch and possibly a sculpture nestled somewhere in the grasses.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Landscape Photography Part 2

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Landscape Photography

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Is it still Fall?

"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air."
- Eric Sloane
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Three Phases of Landscaping

Phase 2: Landscape Installation. Having a landscape design will help you prioritize the phases of your landscape. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you can chip away at it as time and money allows. If you choose to have it professionally installed, they can use the plan to estimate the different phases of your project. It is important to install the major landscape elements first, such as decks, patios, pools and retaining walls. Large elements, such as these, cause the biggest disturbance in a garden during the installation phase and provide a backdrop to all other elements. A good landscape company will implement the design while keeping longevity and function in mind. It is crucial to maintain proper drainage, quality craftsmanship and correct planting techniques.
Phase 3: Landscape Maintenance. Once you have installed your outdoor living space, there will be some maintenance needed to keep your garden looking its best. Decks need staining, shrubs need pruning and mulching will be needed at least once a year. Even the lowest maintenance garden will need some seasonal upkeep. In order to keep plants healthy, weeds will need to be controlled and the soil conditioned. Providing a fresh layer of mulch (three inches deep) will keep weeds at bay and provide nutrients for the soil. As a garden matures, plants will need to be divided and reorganized to prevent over crowding.
Olive Branch can help with all of your landscaping needs! Here at Olive Branch, we are passionate about the landscaping process and we provide landscape design services, installation and garden maintenance. We would love to give you a space worth coming home to!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Nebraska Autumn

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fire Time

This is a really simple fire pit design. Sometimes simple is best. We were going for a really natural look, almost as if you stumbled upon it while walking in the woods. Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?
There is nothing better than a good fire during crisp autumn weather. Wish I could go build one right now.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Beautiful Container Combination

Spotted this container combo at a restaurant in Kansas City this past weekend. Thought I would share it with you and maybe try it next year! I love how the 'dragon wing' begonia peeks out of the lime coleus. I also like how they combined two different types of coleus and the creeping jenny underneath. Gotta love surprise inspiration.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Patio and Landscape Upgrade

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Beware Arachnophobes!

You know it's fall when the spiders start making their presence known! We found this spider spinning her web on our porch last night. When we left the house this morning, her web was complete and there she was waiting patiently for her prey. She is very large and beautiful! She is an argiope aurantia otherwise known as the "writing spider" because of the intricate zig zag down the center of her web. The males are actually much smaller and are only seen when it is time to mate. They are not poisonous so no need to rush to kill them! They are actually quite common all over the world, so you may find one in your garden one of these days! Has anyone else seen a "writing spider" lately?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Master Plan for the Garden

Often, a client wants to chip away at their yard over the years, but they need a plan to guide them along the way. They will be able to refer back to the design whenever they want. Having a design done with their specific needs in mind will help to ensure proper plant placement and hopefully save them some time and headache in the future.
For those that are professionally installing a landscape in one season, it is crucial that a professionally designed plan be followed. The above plan includes many different elements including a paver patio with an outdoor kitchen and firepit, a kid's play area, a driveway with coordinating paver banding and, of course, several perennial gardens. Having a plan helps the homeowners and the different companies involved in the installation to be on the same page at all times. It also helps the landscape installation company work more efficiently. If the homeowner is concerned with plant placement (one would hope..) a design will keep things on track.
Most gardeners love the process of planting and working the garden over a lifetime. I love to experiment with plants and see what works and what doesn't, but a landscape design sure does help to visualize a project and keeps one from making a potentially expensive mistake.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rockbrook Art Fair

Come visit us during the Rockbrook Art Fair this weekend! We have local art on display in our store as well as beautiful containers and garden art. We would love to see your smiling faces!
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 10-5
Rockbrook Village - 108th & Center
Olive Branch Integrated Outdoor Design (across from Great Harvest Bread Co.)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Backyard Pathway

There were many big decisions to be made by the homeowner and she didn't have the luxury of time that most people do for such a large project. She did a great job and has great taste. She has a unique home for small town Nebraska. She is inspired by all things Asian which was fun to include in the design.
The pathway and the fence include bamboo pieces from CaliBamboo. This is the first time I have edged a garden with bamboo and I think it does it's job beautifully. It won't be the last. The homeowners also love copper (notice their copper windows) so we decided to include copper panels on the fence. These will patina naturally over time. The fence and pathway were designed to direct visitors to the homeowners garden which includes a beautiful pond and waterfall. Previously, people would just walk straight across the lawn, bypassing much of the plantings and garden space along the way to the pond. Now they will have to slow down and enjoy the journey!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Functional Garden Art

Of course, as a landscape designer, I am a little more concerned with my client's landscapes and projects during the warm months. You can see in the bottom photo that we are working on our front porch. We have been slowly chipping away at it all summer. It should be completed soon and we will post some pictures for you.
I am also very busy this week with a project in Fremont, NE. There is a wedding in their backyard this Friday (yikes) and due to the recent rains in our area, we are rushing to complete it! We will have it done though and I look forward to posting about it soon.